The museum and research center of the Celtic culture. The museum was opened in 2011 by the Hessen office of built heritage conservation ( Landesamt fȕr Denkmalpflege Hessen). It is located at the important place of discovery of a Celtic settlement aged about 5 thousend B.C. In the front of the building you see visitors watching and enjoing at the location.


Understanding your manpower and cash issues can determine the success or failure of any project. Do not overestimate your capabilities or underestimate your cash flow.  Map out the details of all of the projects going on and what you are bidding that could happen in the near future.

Inflexibility is another challenges. Map out your plan and continually review your plan versus reality. Be willing to make changes when you see your plan is failing. Without a plan or refusing to gauge success against your plan has doomed many companies to continue down a road to failure. Have a willingness to change the plan and learn. Fail teachs you a lot.



Client:Awesome Company
Location:Barcelona, Spain
Surface Area:450,000 m2
Architect:John Doe


  • Expediting and securing all permits, licenses, inspections, sign-offs, and occupancy certificates required by jurisdictional agencies.
  • Coordinating and supervising work performed by trades and outsite suppliers for quality, completeness, schedule, and conformity with plans and specifications/
  • Upon substaintial completion of contruction, examine work to assure efficacy quality and proper commisioning of equipment.
  • Developing a community relations program.
  • Provide the highest quality service to build-up the best result of the project as the agreement between 2 sites.


“Tandem heeft mij met hun eigen nuchtere, Groningse kijk op schade-afhandeling op een deskundige en snelle manier geholpen.
Alle aardbevingsschade is inmiddels hersteld door mijn eigen aannemer”

In mijn functie als derde deskundige in het aardbevingsgebied in Groningen, ontmoet ik diverse partijen die allen op hun eigen wijze de aan hen toebedeelde rol in het schaderegelingsproces vervullen. Tandem bv is één van de partijen die ik daar, in de rol van belangenbehartiger voor de gedupeerde bewoners, zeer regelmatig tegenkom.

Naast de aanwezige deskundigheid en betrokkenheid bij Tandem bv, spreekt het mij persoonlijk erg aan, dat men bij Tandem bv openstaat voor de onderlinge dialoog en dat men de termen redelijkheid en billijkheid op de juiste wijze weet te implementeren in haar handelen en optreden richting de in het proces betrokken partijen.

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